Your staff is about to quit

Medicine burnout goes well beyond the ranks. Burnout in medicine extends beyond physicians to many other medical offices, including the front desk, coders, billing clerks, and administrators. Surveys show that many people are considering quitting. This will increase the workload for those who stay.

According to eLearning Industry’s Future of Work Report, retaining these workers will require health care companies to create a more supportive culture for staff. In fact, over half (54%) of health care workers believe their leaders don’t understand what employees want. Here are some areas in which the healthcare industry fails to retain employees:

  • Perks, pay & benefits: Nearly half (48%) of health care employees would prefer to have more vacation time over traditional “company culture.” The top benefits health care employees want are flexibility to work where and when they want (31%) and good benefits and perks (29%).
  • Mobilität: Nearly three quarters of four (74%) of health care office workers believe that certain employees are favoured by their company leaders. Therefore, despite feeling ready to advance in their role, 30% believe they lack upward mobility at their workplace and don’t see a fair chance at promotion.
  • Need for diversity: 30% of health care workers say their organization is not diverse and doesn’t prioritize diversity – calling their culture “toxic” due to a lack of DEI initiatives. Employees are calling for more diversity in leadership to improve their workplace.

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